Parental Guidance on XXX content

book a workshop

If you represent a School, Church or Community group that would like to host a PG workshop in your area, we’d love to hear from you.

We can deliver a workshop in one of three ways;



£400 *

This includes two of our experienced communicators delivering our full 2 hour workshop at your venue, provision of promotional material (flyers, posters & digital assets) and exclusive access to a digital ‘parent’s pack’ resource for all attendees

*(excluding VAT & expenses)


online (full)


This includes experienced communicators delivering our full 2 hour streamed workshop covering content for parents of children aged 11-18, digital assets for publicity and exclusive access to a digital ‘parent’s pack’ resource for all attendees


online (Tailored)


This includes experienced communicators delivering a 1 hour streamed programme focused only on a younger or older age group (as per your request), digital assets for publicity and exclusive access to a digital ‘parent’s pack’ resource for all attendees


We are happy to discuss all pricing and details listed above, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any queries. To make an initial enquiry, please submit the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly to discuss how we can partner with you to deliver a PG workshop. Thank you!